
Monday Jun 10, 2024
3. The Stress Cycle + Healthy Ways to Combat Stress
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
I don’t know about you, but I often feel consumed by stress in my current season. My life is non-stop and demands my attention in every area and sometimes it feels so overwhelming. Today, I want to break down a concept that changed my life and how I move through stressful moments and seasons and that is THE STRESS CYCLE. I’m tackling the stress cycle head-on and exploring healthy ways to combat stress.
- Physical and Psychological Effects of Stress: Discover the immediate and long-term impacts of stress on our bodies and minds. From increased heart rate to mental health challenges, we'll unpack it all.
- Understanding the Stress Cycle: Get to know the ins and outs of the stress cycle, from perceiving stressors to completing the cycle and finding resolution.
- Key Points in Managing the Stress Cycle: Learn practical strategies for recognizing stressors, developing healthy coping mechanisms, promoting recovery, and addressing unresolved stress.
If you want to be a part of my community + heart education membership, head over to comealivelifecoaching.com/thrive and join a community of women who are showing up to their life. Use the code THRIVETODAY at checkout to get your first month FREE!
Find me on social media @chantelleenelson for more engaging and practical content on how to show up to your life! And don't forget to visit comealivelifecoaching.com for more information on my offers and coaching.

Monday Jun 10, 2024
2. The Nervous System + Understanding The Stress Response
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Let’s dive into the fascinating world of our nervous systems and stress responses in this must-listen episode. I’m pulling back the curtain on one of my favorite things to talk about: our nervous systems and how they impact our everyday life. It’s time we learn and befriend the body and system God put us into!
- Explore the nervous system: Learn how it orchestrates everything from basic functions to complex emotions.
- Unveil the components: Discover the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) and their vital roles.
- Get savvy with stress: Understand acute vs. chronic stress and common triggers that keep us on our toes.
- Decipher the stress response: Delve into the 'fight or flight' reaction and the sympathetic nervous system's role in gearing us up for action.
Tune in for nerdy insights, relatable stories, and practical tips to befriend your body and thrive in life.
If you want to be a part of my community + heart education membership, head over to comealivelifecoaching.com/thrive and join a community of women who are showing up to their life. Use the code THRIVETODAY at checkout to get your first month FREE!
Follow me on social media @chantelleenelson and visit comealivelifecoaching.com for more info on how to work with me!
![[Archive] Episode 14: Q + A with The Nelsons!](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jul 01, 2022
[Archive] Episode 14: Q + A with The Nelsons!
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
[Archive] Episode 14: Q + A with The Nelsons!
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
In this episode, we're answering YOUR questions. We popped a question box on Instagram and had you send in your questions. We're answering your dating, marriage, and relationship questions. Everything from answering, "Did you ever breakup?" to "What's your most embarrassing moment with your spouse?"
Join us for lots of laughter and, as always, deep and honest conversation about complex things!
![[Archive] Episode 13: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. II](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jun 17, 2022
[Archive] Episode 13: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. II
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
[Archive] Episode 13: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. II
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
Marriage. Counseling. Pain. Triggers. Healing. Parenting. This episode has allllll the good stuff. Join us for part two of the amazing talk we did at an arts academy for creatives. During this episode, we answer some incredible questions like, “What are the benefits of counseling?”, “Did you notice red flags before you started dating?”, “How did the 6-year age difference affect your relationship?”, “How do you bring God into your marriage?” and more!! We’re not trying to toot our own horns, but this episode is a really good one that you won’t want to miss!
![[Archive] Episode 12: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. I](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jun 10, 2022
[Archive] Episode 12: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. I
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
[Archive] Episode 12: A Real + Honest Look Into Marriage + Connection Pt. I
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
Marriage is hard. It’s beautifully rewarding, but having a connected marriage doesn’t just happen. It takes a whole lot of choosing and intentionality between two people who are willing to lay down their lives for the other. We came into marriage with baggage of our own that we had to work through in order to build the marriage we have today. Join us for a two-part episode that we recorded when we spoke at an arts academy for creatives here in town. We get real, raw, and honest about marriage, pain, healing, triggers, and so much more!
![[Archive] Episode 11: Is Marriage Really for Everyone?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday May 27, 2022
[Archive] Episode 11: Is Marriage Really for Everyone?
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
[Archive] Episode 11: Is Marriage Really for Everyone?
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
Here is a candid conversation about the realities of marriage that not everyone talks about. If you’re single and you want to get married, this episode is for you! Chantelle and Donta talk honestly about the image of marriage - from church, media, how we were raised - that is often misleading and untrue. What does marriage really look like? How do you know if it’s for you? How do you become the person you want to be before you get married?
If you’re a woman who wants to get married but feel like there are personal blocks that are keeping you stuck in cycles of unhealthy relationships, Life Coaching might be for you! Head to www.comealivelifecoaching.com and schedule a FREE Discovery Call with Chantelle!
![[Archive] Episode 10: Going After Personal Dreams in Marriage](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Sunday May 15, 2022
[Archive] Episode 10: Going After Personal Dreams in Marriage
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
[Archive] Episode 10: Going After Personal Dreams in Marriage
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
In marriage, you often dream together, but there are also personal dreams you go after inside of marriage. Maybe it’s starting a business or going after a passion project. Maybe it’s taking a class or going back to school. In this episode, Chantelle and Donta process what it looks like to go after your individual needs in the context of marriage. What does it look like? How does it impact your relationship?
Donta also talks about the launch of his business Donta Nelson Creatives. If you’re someone who wants to discover your creative identity, but feel the blocks of fear, imposter syndrome, or using your creativity as an escape, Creative Life Coaching with Donta might be for you! Head to www.dontanelson.com/discoverycall to schedule a FREE Discover Call!
![[Archive] Episode 9: We're PREGNANT + The Power of Vulnerability](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Saturday May 07, 2022
[Archive] Episode 9: We're PREGNANT + The Power of Vulnerability
Saturday May 07, 2022
Saturday May 07, 2022
[Archive] Episode 9: We're PREGNANT + The Power of Vulnerability
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
Well, the title gives it away but YES! We’re pregnant with baby #3! In this week’s episode, Donta and Chantelle talk all about the first trimester, including Mcdonald's cravings, extreme exhaustion, and unpredictable mood swings. They also talk about vulnerability and how powerful it is when we show up in our relationships in such a way that it costs us when we’re open and honest and the beauty it brings to our connections with people.
![[Archive] Episode 8: Stay Connected in Marriage While Raising Kids](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday Apr 29, 2022
[Archive] Episode 8: Stay Connected in Marriage While Raising Kids
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
[Archive] Episode 8: Stay Connected in Marriage While Raising Kids
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
Having kids has been one of the greatest blessings in our marriage! That being said, when you have kids, the time slots for connection and to process through stuck points and disagreements are a lot smaller. Your time, energy, and emotional capacity are not just reserved for your spouse anymore so you have to be intentional about making space for each other. Here’s an honest conversation about what it looks like for us to stay connected in our marriage with small kids.
![[Archive] Episode 7: How Do You Actually Bring God Into Your Marriage?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/13078735/Own_it_thumbnail_93esgb_300x300.jpg)
Friday Apr 22, 2022
[Archive] Episode 7: How Do You Actually Bring God Into Your Marriage?
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
[Archive] Episode 7: How Do You Actually Bring God Into Your Marriage?
This is an episode from a podcast created by my husband, Donta, and I back in 2021 called Undoing The Complex. I loved the podcast and these episodes so much that I wanted to keep them up here for your listening pleasure!
If you were to have seen us a few weeks into our dating relationship, you would have cringed and rolled your eyes at our attempt to bring the God we both loved into our relationship. It was clunky and laughable. But it was our dream to have God be the center of everything we did in our dating relationship and into engagement and marriage. Today, we’re having an honest conversation about what it looks like to bring God into our marriage - it’s practical, humbling, insightful, and you won’t want to miss it.